I am thrilled to have participated in the Karmonas Cancer Institute https://www.karmonas.org Symposium 2019 by invitation of UsToo https:// www.ustoo.org THANK YOU for having sexuality represented in this important event! Cancer changes everything, life is altered, and sex, well let’s face it is usually last on the list in the face of the fear of death. That being said, engaging sexually is often one of the ways we feel really REALLY alive and when sexual expression is absent our bodies suffer, cancer diagnosis or no cancer diagnosis. Here you can find the symposiums live webcast ~ https://www.mainstreamchicago.com/karmanos-cancer-institute-cancer-symposium-2019-webcast/
I hope you take an opportunity to check it out! My portion is near the end however all of the information is valuable! Appreciate all the attendees and supporters of healthy sexual expression!